Friday, April 2, 2010 | By: sunnysuomi

First time in this season - blank

I hit the river first time in this season and I was early. It was a beautiful day, Good Friday, with some sunny spells (mostly overcast). There were hatches of of black stone flies (was easy to see them on the white snow&ice). However, no sign of fish. Also, the water is high and fast. It is probably more brown than usual.
I fished most parts of the river with streamers and nymphs, but I got not even a tug. Despite the hatches, I have not seen a rise. There were two more fishermen out there, but they got no fish (what I saw).
In spite of got skunked, I enjoyed this trip. It was a good exercise because of knee deep snow and slippery ice & slush. That little sunshine surely made the day. I also got some great photos of both stoneflies and waterfalls. (See some below)
It looks that this time was just a bit too early for fishing the river. Nevertheless, when the flooding and runoff is over, there will be plenty of fish and fishermen. :)
Happy Easter, everyone. Have a look at these awesome Easter egg photos.