At the weekend, the national fly-fishing championship "screening" leg was held at Nukari, Finland. After the usual, registration and pool drawing, the competition started in overcast, but occasional sunny spells. The contestants fished 1 pool for one hour then moved on to next pool where they had 30 minutes to prepare.There were 5 rotations, thus everyone had the chance to fish better places. :)
The river was stocked with mostly rainbows, but also there has been undersized brownies. Most of the contenders fished for and caught the rainbows. I am not familiar with the official results, but I have seen someone catching a 50 cm rainbow, which was the longest at that time.
Most of the competitors fished usually two or three leeches (though in many colors) on a line. Far-casting was not required, as the river is small and easily wadeable. Fish got a bit wary by afternoon, though the half an hour rest between the stages gave them some rest.
To cut it short :), I posted some of the pictures I have taken in my photoalbum.
A video cut from my recording can be viewed from my Nokia share.
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